AI Content Tools

GPTZero – Free AI content detection tool used by over a million people | AI toolset

What is GPTZero?

GPTZero is a tool for detecting artificial intelligence-generated content. It is designed to identify and analyze whether the input text is created by AI and distinguish between human-created and artificial intelligence-generated content. This tool supports AI content detection at the sentence, paragraph and document levels. It was developed by Edaward Tian of Princeton University and launched in January 2023 in response to industry concerns about the originality and plagiarism of AI-generated content. Once launched, it gained recognition from major Attention and reports from media such as The New York Times, Washington Times, Forbes, Wired Magazine, etc. GPTZero has provided services to more than 2.5 million users around the world and cooperated with more than 100 organizations in education, recruitment, publishing, legal and other fields.

GPTZero’s main features

  1. Supports detection of multiple large models and can be used for content generated by ChatGPT, GPT4, Bard, LLaMa and other artificial intelligence models
  2. Supports multiple text formats, you can directly input text online, or upload files in .pdf, .doc, .docs, .txt and other formats for detection
  3. Browser extension real-time detection, providing Chrome browser plug-in, which can detect and analyze browsing the Internet to check whether the content is generated by AI
  4. Batch file scanning supports uploading multiple files at one time for AI content detection, saving time on repeated uploads

GPTZero product prices

  1. Free basic version, supports detection and scanning of 10,000 words per month, and batch scanning of 10 files
  2. The paid starting version is US$10 per month, supports detection and scanning of 150,000 words per month, and batch scanning of 10 files
  3. The paid premium version is $16 per month, supports detection and scanning of 300,000 words per month, and unlimited batch file scanning


GPTZero provides a free version. Free users can detect and scan 10,000 words per month and support batch scanning of 10 files.

GPTZero uses machine learning technology and natural language processing algorithms to train a large text corpus (including both human-written and AI-generated), and then compares and predicts the originality of text entered by users.

GPTZero is not limited to ChatGPT, but also supports GPT-4, GPT-3, GPT-2, LLaMA and AI services based on these models.

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